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Showing 1 - 13 of 60

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Common clinical findings identified in working equids in low- and middle-income countries from 2005 to 2021

Mathilde S. Merridale-Punter, Anke K. Wiethoelter,  [ ... ], Peta L. Hitchens

Early warning of infectious disease outbreaks on cattle-transport networks

Frederik Schirdewahn, Hartmut H. K. Lentz,  [ ... ], Beatriz Vidondo

An investigation of transportation practices in an Ontario swine system using descriptive network analysis

Dylan John Melmer, Terri L. O’Sullivan, Amy L. Greer, Zvonimir Poljak

A Q fever outbreak associated to courier transport of pets

Eva Alonso, Domingo Eizaguirre,  [ ... ], Ana Luisa García-Pérez

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