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Height-diameter allometry for tropical forest in northern Amazonia

Robson Borges de Lima, Eric Bastos Görgens,  [ ... ], Marcelino Carneiro Guedes

Beyond words: From jaguar population trends to conservation and public policy in Mexico

Gerardo Ceballos, Heliot Zarza,  [ ... ], Erik Joaquín Torres-Romero

Landscape structure shapes the diversity of tree seedlings at multiple spatial scales in a fragmented tropical rainforest

Sergio Nicasio-Arzeta, Isela E. Zermeño-Hernández, Susana Maza-Villalobos, Julieta Benítez-Malvido

Population dynamics of threatened felids in response to forest cover change in Sumatra

Iding A. Haidir, David W. Macdonald,  [ ... ], Matthew Linkie

Traits influence detection of exotic plant species in tropical forests

Decky I. Junaedi, Michael A. McCarthy,  [ ... ], Mark A. Burgman

Intraspecific leaf trait variability along a boreal-to-tropical community diversity gradient

Cristina C. Bastias, Claire Fortunel,  [ ... ], Nathan J. B. Kraft

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