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Hemi-Nested PCR and RFLP Methodologies for Identifying Blood Meals of the Chagas Disease Vector, Triatoma infestans

Dawn M. Roellig, Luis A. Gomez-Puerta,  [ ... ], the Chagas Disease Workgroup in Arequipa

Differential Expression Profiles in the Midgut of Triatoma infestans Infected with Trypanosoma cruzi

Diego S. Buarque, Glória R. C. Braz,  [ ... ], Aparecida S. Tanaka

Differential Trypanocidal Activity of Novel Macrolide Antibiotics; Correlation to Genetic Lineage

Carolina Aquilino, Maria Luisa Gonzalez Rubio,  [ ... ], Pedro Bonay

Public Street Lights Increase House Infestation by the Chagas Disease Vector Triatoma dimidiata

Freddy Santiago Pacheco-Tucuch, Maria Jesus Ramirez-Sierra, Sébastien Gourbière, Eric Dumonteil

The Role of Salivary and Intestinal Complement System Inhibitors in the Midgut Protection of Triatomines and Mosquitoes

Veruska Cavalcanti Barros, Jéssica Góes Assumpção,  [ ... ], Nelder Figueiredo Gontijo

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