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Showing 1 - 13 of 20

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Presence of Triatoma breyeri (Reduviidae, Triatominae) in Bolivia

Frédéric Lardeux, Alberto Llanos,  [ ... ], Lineth Garcia

Temporal assessment of entomological surveillance of Trypanosoma cruzi vectors in an endemic area of northeastern Brazil

George Harisson Felinto Sampaio, Andressa Noronha Barbosa da Silva,  [ ... ], Lúcia Maria da Cunha Galvão

Global characterization of gene expression in the brain of starved immature Rhodnius prolixus

Jessica Coraiola Nevoa, Jose Manuel Latorre-Estivalis,  [ ... ], Alessandra Aparecida Guarneri

Species-dependent variation of the gut bacterial communities across Trypanosoma cruzi insect vectors

Luisa M. Arias-Giraldo, Marina Muñoz,  [ ... ], Juan David Ramírez

Geographic abundance patterns explained by niche centrality hypothesis in two Chagas disease vectors in Latin America

Mariano Altamiranda-Saavedra, Luis Osorio-Olvera,  [ ... ], Gabriel Parra-Henao

Allatotropin Modulates Myostimulatory and Cardioacceleratory Activities in Rhodnius prolixus (Stal).

María José Villalobos-Sambucaro, Alicia Nieves Lorenzo-Figueiras,  [ ... ], Jorge Rafael Ronderos

Putative Panmixia in Restricted Populations of Trypanosoma cruzi Isolated from Wild Triatoma infestans in Bolivia

Christian Barnabe, Rosio Buitrago,  [ ... ], Simone Frédérique Breniere

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