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Showing 27 - 39 of 78

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Fasciola spp: Mapping of the MF6 epitope and antigenic analysis of the MF6p/HDM family of heme-binding proteins

Victoria Martínez-Sernández, María J. Perteguer,  [ ... ], Florencio M. Ubeira

Mathematical algorithm for the automatic recognition of intestinal parasites

Alicia Alva, Carla Cangalaya,  [ ... ], Mirko Zimic

Anthelmintic Potential of Thymoquinone and Curcumin on Fasciola gigantica

Rizwan Ullah, Abdur Rehman,  [ ... ], S. M. A. Abidi

Body Condition Peaks at Intermediate Parasite Loads in the Common Bully Gobiomorphus cotidianus

Alberto Maceda-Veiga, Andy J. Green, Robert Poulin, Clément Lagrue

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