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Showing 1 - 13 of 171

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Taenia solium TAF6 and TAF9 bind to a downstream promoter element present in the Tstbp1 gene core promoter

Oscar Rodríguez-Lima, Ponciano García-Gutiérrez,  [ ... ], Abraham Landa

Prevalence and geographic distribution of Echinococcus genus in wild canids in southern Québec, Canada

Ève-Marie Lavallée-Bourget, Christopher Fernandez-Prada,  [ ... ], Julie Arsenault

Characterization of Monoamine Oxidase-A in tropical liver fluke, Fasciola gigantica

Mirza Ahmar Beg, Abdur Rehman,  [ ... ], S. M. A. Abidi

Diversity of trematodes from the amphibian anomaly P hotspot: Role of planorbid snails

Anton O. Svinin, Igor V. Chikhlyaev,  [ ... ], Oleg A. Ermakov

Phylogenetic analyses of 5-hydroxytryptamine 3 (5-HT3) receptors in Metazoa

Santosh T. R. B. Rao, Ilona Turek, Helen R. Irving

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