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Showing 1 - 13 of 13

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Multiple Evolutionary Origins of Ubiquitous Cu2+ and Zn2+ Binding in the S100 Protein Family

Lucas C. Wheeler, Micah T. Donor, James S. Prell, Michael J. Harms

An Engineered Palette of Metal Ion Quenchable Fluorescent Proteins

Xiaozhen Yu, Marie-Paule Strub,  [ ... ], Justin W. Taraska

2DEGs at Perovskite Interfaces between KTaO3 or KNbO3 and Stannates

Xiaofeng Fan, Weitao Zheng, Xin Chen, David J. Singh

Cofactor Requirement of HpyAV Restriction Endonuclease

Siu-Hong Chan, Lars Opitz,  [ ... ], Shuang-yong Xu

An Optimized, Chemically Regulated Gene Expression System for Chlamydomonas

Paola Ferrante, Claudia Catalanotti, Giulia Bonente, Giovanni Giuliano

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