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Showing 1 - 13 of 128

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Comparative analysis of national and foreign players’ performance in Euroleague Basketball

Rūtenis Paulauskas, Rokas Kasparavicius, Mykolas Stumbras, Bruno Figueira

Exploring the recurrent states of football teams’ tactical organization on the pitch during Brazilian official matches

Felipe Arruda Moura, Murilo José de Oliveira Bueno,  [ ... ], Ricardo da Silva Torres

Optimizing wheelchair basketball lineups: A statistical approach to coaching strategies

Valentina Cavedon, Paola Zuccolotto,  [ ... ], Chiara Milanese

Robot obstacle avoidance optimization by A* and DWA fusion algorithm

Peiying Li, Lingjuan Hao, Yanjie Zhao, Jianmin Lu

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