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Evolution of Cooperation Driven by Reputation-Based Migration

Rui Cong, Bin Wu, Yuanying Qiu, Long Wang

Evolving Sensitivity Balances Boolean Networks

Jamie X. Luo, Matthew S. Turner

Striatal Dopamine Transmission Is Subtly Modified in Human A53Tα-Synuclein Overexpressing Mice

Nicola J. Platt, Suzana Gispert, Georg Auburger, Stephanie J. Cragg

Gephyrin-Independent GABAAR Mobility and Clustering during Plasticity

Fumihiro Niwa, Hiroko Bannai,  [ ... ], Katsuhiko Mikoshiba

Automatic Design of Synthetic Gene Circuits through Mixed Integer Non-linear Programming

Linh Huynh, John Kececioglu, Matthias Köppe, Ilias Tagkopoulos

Intracellular Spatial Localization Regulated by the Microtubule Network

Jing Chen, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Jian Liu

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