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Docking of Secretory Vesicles Is Syntaxin Dependent

Heidi de Wit, L. Niels Cornelisse, Ruud F.G. Toonen, Matthijs Verhage

Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Mediated Functional Tooth Regeneration in Swine

Wataru Sonoyama, Yi Liu,  [ ... ], Songlin Wang

PIASγ Is Required for Faithful Chromosome Segregation in Human Cells

Laura A. Díaz-Martínez, Juan F. Giménez-Abián,  [ ... ], Duncan J. Clarke

E-Cadherin-Coated Plates Maintain Pluripotent ES Cells without Colony Formation

Masato Nagaoka, Uichi Koshimizu,  [ ... ], Toshihiro Akaike

Short and Long-Term Effects of hVEGF-A165 in Cre-Activated Transgenic Mice

Pia Leppänen, Ivana Kholová,  [ ... ], Seppo Ylä-Herttuala

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