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mTORC1 is required for differentiation of germline stem cells in the Drosophila melanogaster testis

Marie Clémot, Cecilia D’Alterio, Alexa C. Kwang, D. Leanne Jones

Data retrieval from archival renal biopsies using nonlinear microscopy

Lucas C. Cahill, Tadayuki Yoshitake,  [ ... ], Seymour Rosen

Quantitative examination of the anatomy of the juvenile sugar maple xylem

Tenaya Driller, James A. Robinson,  [ ... ], Matthew Watson

Cervical cell’s nucleus segmentation through an improved UNet architecture

Assad Rasheed, Syed Hamad Shirazi,  [ ... ], Zakir Khan

Color restoration based on digital pathology image

Guoxin Sun, Xiong Yan,  [ ... ], Xiao Zou

Automated segmentation and quantitative analysis of organelle morphology, localization and content using CellProfiler

Sebastiaan N. J. Laan, Richard J. Dirven,  [ ... ], for the SYMPHONY consortium

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