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Showing 1 - 13 of 81

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Transmission and lesion progression of treponeme-associated hoof disease in captive elk (Cervus canadensis)

Zachary B. Robinson, Devendra H. Shah, Kyle R. Taylor, Margaret A. Wild

The association between gingivitis and oral spirochetes in young cats and dogs

Seiya Yamaki, Masato Tachibana,  [ ... ], Akiteru Amimoto

Epistaxis and thrombocytopenia as major presentations of louse borne relapsing fever: Hospital-based study

Eyob Girma Abera, Kedir Negesso Tukeni,  [ ... ], Esayas Kebede Gudina

Association of small fiber neuropathy and post treatment Lyme disease syndrome

Peter Novak, Donna Felsenstein,  [ ... ], Nevena Zubcevik

The genus Borrelia reloaded

Gabriele Margos, Alex Gofton,  [ ... ], Volker Fingerle

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