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Showing 274 - 286 of 312

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Unmet Needs of People with Severe Multiple Sclerosis and Their Carers: Qualitative Findings for a Home-Based Intervention

Claudia Borreani, Elisabetta Bianchi,  [ ... ], on behalf of the PeNSAMI project

Low-Educated Women with Chronic Pain Were Less Often Selected to Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation Programs

Anne Hammarström, Inger Haukenes,  [ ... ], Britt-Marie Stålnacke

Are the 10 Meter and 6 Minute Walk Tests Redundant in Patients with Spinal Cord Injury?

Gail F. Forrest, Karen Hutchinson,  [ ... ], D. Michele Basso

Persistent Fluctuations in Stride Intervals under Fractal Auditory Stimulation

Vivien Marmelat, Kjerstin Torre, Peter J. Beek, Andreas Daffertshofer

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