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Corals that survive repeated thermal stress show signs of selection and acclimatization

Orion S. McCarthy, Morgan Winston Pomeroy, Jennifer E. Smith

Sediment source and dose influence the larval performance of the threatened coral Orbicella faveolata

Xaymara M. Serrano, Stephanie M. Rosales,  [ ... ], Andrew C. Baker

Synthetic and practical reconstructions of SST and seawater pH using the novel multiproxy SMITE method

Hunter P. Hughes, Diane Thompson,  [ ... ], Christopher D. Standish

Quantifying the topographical structure of rocky and coral seabeds

Damien Sous, Samuel Meulé,  [ ... ], Frédéric Bouchette

Taxonomic distinctness and diversity patterns of a polychaete (Annelida) community on the continental shelf of the Southern Gulf of Mexico

Benjamín Quiroz-Martínez, Pablo Hernández-Alcántara,  [ ... ], León Felipe Álvarez Sánchez

Intra-decadal increase in globally-spread Magallana gigas in southern California estuaries

Marah L. Wolfe, Chelsea M. Bowers-Doerning,  [ ... ], Danielle C. Zacherl

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