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Showing 1 - 13 of 1,064

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Assisted sexual coral recruits show high thermal tolerance to the 2023 Caribbean mass bleaching event

Margaret W. Miller, Sandra Mendoza Quiroz,  [ ... ], Dirk Petersen

Microbiomes of three coral species in the Mexican Caribbean and their shifts associated with the Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease

Zita P. Arriaga-Piñón, J. Eduardo Aguayo-Leyva,  [ ... ], José Q. García-Maldonado

Finding common ground: Understanding and engaging with science mistrust in the Great barrier reef region

Matthew I. Curnock, Danielle Nembhard,  [ ... ], Emilee Chamberland

Corals that survive repeated thermal stress show signs of selection and acclimatization

Orion S. McCarthy, Morgan Winston Pomeroy, Jennifer E. Smith

Sediment source and dose influence the larval performance of the threatened coral Orbicella faveolata

Xaymara M. Serrano, Stephanie M. Rosales,  [ ... ], Andrew C. Baker

Synthetic and practical reconstructions of SST and seawater pH using the novel multiproxy SMITE method

Hunter P. Hughes, Diane Thompson,  [ ... ], Christopher D. Standish

Quantifying the topographical structure of rocky and coral seabeds

Damien Sous, Samuel Meulé,  [ ... ], Frédéric Bouchette

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