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Showing 1 - 13 of 19

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Securing cloud data using secret key 4 optimization algorithm (SK4OA) with a non-linearity run time trend

Twum Frimpong, James Benjamin Hayfron Acquah,  [ ... ], Samuel Akyeramfo Sam

Comparison of CPU and GPU bayesian estimates of fibre orientations from diffusion MRI

Danny H. C. Kim, Lynne J. Williams, Moises Hernandez-Fernandez, Bruce H. Bjornson

On the Burr XII-moment exponential distribution

Fiaz Ahmad Bhatti, G. G. Hamedani,  [ ... ], Azeem Ali

Attacking quantum key distribution by light injection via ventilation openings

Juan Carlos Garcia-Escartin, Shihan Sajeed, Vadim Makarov

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