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Showing 1 - 13 of 23

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Model of influenza virus acidification

Ajit Akole, Jason M. Warner

Prediction of perturbed proton transfer networks

Marco Reidelbach, Marcus Weber, Petra Imhof

Proton and non-proton activation of ASIC channels

Ivan Gautschi, Miguel Xavier van Bemmelen, Laurent Schild

Inactivation of TRPM2 Channels by Extracellular Divalent Copper

Wenyue Yu, Lin-Hua Jiang,  [ ... ], Wei Yang

Two Different Conformations in Hepatitis C Virus p7 Protein Account for Proton Transport and Dye Release

Siok Wan Gan, Wahyu Surya, Ardcharaporn Vararattanavech, Jaume Torres

Electric Field Driven Torque in ATP Synthase

John H. Miller Jr, Kimal I. Rajapakshe, Hans L. Infante, James R. Claycomb

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