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Showing 1 - 13 of 268

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Assessment of tuberculosis transmission probability in three Thai prisons based on five dynamic models

Nithinan Mahawan, Thanapoom Rattananupong, Puchong Sri-Uam, Wiroj Jiamjarasrangsi

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic for children in custody: An analysis of inspection reports

Charlotte Lennox, Martha Duncan-Zaleski,  [ ... ], Sarah Leonard

Controlling COVID-19 outbreaks in the correctional setting: A mathematical modelling study

Neil Arvin Bretaña, Jisoo A. Kwon,  [ ... ], Richard T Gray

Knowledge and use of art therapy for mental health treatment among clinical psychologists

Eugenia Priscilla Doku Asare, Sandra Boatemaa Kushitor,  [ ... ], Stephen Manortey

Fostering proactive work behavior: Where to start?

A. Yuspahruddin, Hafid Abbas,  [ ... ], Zaleha Yazid

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