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Tau protein aggregation associated with SARS-CoV-2 main protease

Raphael Josef Eberle, Mônika Aparecida Coronado,  [ ... ], Dieter Willbold

Reduction in PA28αβ activation in HD mouse brain correlates to increased mHTT aggregation in cell models

Karlijne W. Geijtenbeek, Jolien Janzen,  [ ... ], Sabine Schipper-Krom

Atco, a yeast mitochondrial complex of Atp9 and Cox6, is an assembly intermediate of the ATP synthase

Leticia Veloso Ribeiro Franco, Chen-Hsien Su,  [ ... ], Alexander Tzagoloff

Effects of Lyse-It on endonuclease fragmentation, function and activity

Tonya M. Santaus, Fan Zhang,  [ ... ], Chris D. Geddes

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