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Showing 1 - 13 of 167

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Plant parentage influences the type of timber use by traditional peoples of the Brazilian Caatinga

Kamila Marques Pedrosa, Maiara Bezerra Ramos, María de los Ángeles La Torre-Cuadros, Sérgio de Faria Lopes

An open-access T-BAS phylogeny for emerging Phytophthora species

Allison Coomber, Amanda Saville, Ignazio Carbone, Jean Beagle Ristaino

Evolutionary analysis of KED-rich proteins in plants

Xing-Hai Zhang, David Swait,  [ ... ], John M. Harlin

A supertree of Northern European macromoths

Robert B. Davis, Erki Õunap, Toomas Tammaru

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