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Showing 1 - 13 of 387

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Islands of cooperation emerge by stigmergic interactions in iterated spatial games

Franco Zambonelli, Federico Bergenti, Stefano Mariani, Stefania Monica

Lie to me to lay with me: Females deceive males via terminal investment

Laura Mendoza-Díaz de León, Sagrario Cordero-Molina, Indikris Krams, Jorge Contreras-Garduño

Insect detect: An open-source DIY camera trap for automated insect monitoring

Maximilian Sittinger, Johannes Uhler, Maximilian Pink, Annette Herz

Optimising barrier placement for intrusion detection and prevention in WSNs

C. Kishor Kumar Reddy, Vijaya Sindhoori Kaza,  [ ... ], Sadaf Ahmad

Needles in fungal haystacks: Discovery of a putative a-factor pheromone and a unique mating strategy in the Leotiomycetes

Andi M. Wilson, Martin P. A. Coetzee, Michael J. Wingfield, Brenda D. Wingfield

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