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Showing 1 - 13 of 125

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Effective degradation of various bacterial toxins using ozone ultrafine bubble water

Fumio Takizawa, Hisanori Domon,  [ ... ], Yutaka Terao

Size-resolved aerosol at a Coastal Great Lakes Site: Impacts of new particle formation and lake spray

Megan B. Christiansen, Charles O. Stanier,  [ ... ], Sherrie Elzey

Short-term association between ambient air pollution and cardio-respiratory mortality in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Taísa Rodrigues Cortes, Ismael Henrique Silveira,  [ ... ], Washington Leite Junger

The influence of personal care products on ozone-skin surface chemistry

Glenn Morrison, Azin Eftekhari,  [ ... ], Jordan E. Krechmer

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