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Showing 1 - 13 of 57

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A patient-centered ‘test-drive’ strategy for ankle-foot orthosis prescription: Protocol for a randomized participant-blinded trial

Benjamin R. Shuman, Brad D. Hendershot, David C. Morgenroth, Elizabeth Russell Esposito

Effect of foot orthoses on balance among individuals with flatfoot: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Chatanun Chinpeerasathian, Phyu Sin Oo, Akkradate Siriphorn, Praneet Pensri

Gait retraining targeting foot pronation: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Seyed Hamed Mousavi, Fateme Khorramroo, Amirali Jafarnezhadgero

A standardized assessment of moldability parameters of thermoplastic materials used in orthotic manufacturing

Rodrigo Andrade Martinez, Luciana Bolzan Agnelli Martinez, José Augusto Marcondes Agnelli, Valéria Meirelles Carril Elui

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