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Showing 14 - 26 of 52

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MGmapper: Reference based mapping and taxonomy annotation of metagenomics sequence reads

Thomas Nordahl Petersen, Oksana Lukjancenko,  [ ... ], Thomas Sicheritz-Pontén

On DNA numerical representations for genomic similarity computation

Gerardo Mendizabal-Ruiz, Israel Román-Godínez,  [ ... ], J. Alejandro Morales

Sticky Genomes: Using NGS Evidence to Test Hybrid Speciation Hypotheses

Mary Morgan-Richards, Simon F. K. Hills, Patrick J. Biggs, Steven A. Trewick

Integrated Taxonomy and DNA Barcoding of Alpine Midges (Diptera: Chironomidae)

Matteo Montagna, Valeria Mereghetti, Valeria Lencioni, Bruno Rossaro

Self-Folding of Naked Segment 8 Genomic RNA of Influenza A Virus

Elzbieta Lenartowicz, Julita Kesy,  [ ... ], Elzbieta Kierzek

High-Throughput Screening for Ligands of the HEPN Domain of Sacsin

Xinlu Li, Marie Ménade,  [ ... ], Kalle Gehring

Hybrid De Novo Genome Assembly Using MiSeq and SOLiD Short Read Data

Tsutomu Ikegami, Toyohiro Inatsugi,  [ ... ], Kiyoshi Asai

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