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Screening for consistency and contamination within and between bottles of 29 herbal supplements

Maren E. Veatch-Blohm, Iris Chicas,  [ ... ], Khusmanie Lila

Climate, soil type, and geographic distribution of actinomycetoma cases in Northeast Mexico: A cross-sectional study

Jesus Alberto Cardenas-de la Garza, Oliverio Welsh,  [ ... ], Lucio Vera-Cabrera

Biochemical characterization of the Nocardia lactamdurans ACV synthetase

Riccardo Iacovelli, Reto D. Zwahlen, Roel A. L. Bovenberg, Arnold J. M. Driessen

Locating and Activating Molecular ‘Time Bombs’: Induction of Mycolata Prophages

Zoe A. Dyson, Teagan L. Brown,  [ ... ], Steve Petrovski

Experimental Granulomatous Pulmonary Nocardiosis in BALB/C Mice

Roque M. Mifuji Lira, Alberto Yairh Limón Flores, Mario César Salinas Carmona, Alejandro Ortiz Stern

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