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Showing 1 - 13 of 55

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Newborn screening analytes and structural birth defects among 27,000 newborns

Philip J. Lupo, Natalie P. Archer,  [ ... ], Mark A. Canfield

Initial clubfoot treatment in Sweden from 2016 to 2019: A national register study

Arne Johansson, Henrik Wallander, Anna-Clara Esbjörnsson

Prevented cases of neural tube defects and cost savings after folic acid fortification of flour in Brazil

Viviane Belini Rodrigues, Everton Nunes da Silva, André Marques dos Santos, Leonor Maria Pacheco Santos

Diffusion weighted imaging as a biomarker of retinoic acid induced myelomeningocele

Nathan Maassel, James Farrelly,  [ ... ], David Stitelman

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