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ATP-Dependent Infra-Slow (<0.1 Hz) Oscillations in Thalamic Networks

Magor L. Lőrincz, Freya Geall,  [ ... ], Stuart W. Hughes

Improved Disorder Prediction by Combination of Orthogonal Approaches

Avner Schlessinger, Marco Punta,  [ ... ], Burkhard Rost

Ablation of NMDA Receptors Enhances the Excitability of Hippocampal CA3 Neurons

Fumiaki Fukushima, Kazuhito Nakao,  [ ... ], Masayoshi Mishina

Statistical Significance of Precisely Repeated Intracellular Synaptic Patterns

Yuji Ikegaya, Wataru Matsumoto,  [ ... ], Gloster Aaron

Copying and Evolution of Neuronal Topology

Chrisantha Fernando, K. K. Karishma, Eörs Szathmáry

Finding Quasi-Optimal Network Topologies for Information Transmission in Active Networks

Murilo S. Baptista, Josué X. de Carvalho, Mahir S. Hussein

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