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Cunninghamella echinulata DSM1905 biofilm-based L-asparaginase production in pneumatically-driven bioreactors

Romeu Cassiano Pucci da Silva Ramos, Nicoly Subtil de Oliveira,  [ ... ], Edvaldo Antonio Ribeiro Rosa

Cover crop species influences soil fungal species richness and community structure

Ephantus J. Muturi, Christopher A. Dunlap, William L. Perry, Robert L. Rhykerd

Mycotoxin production in different varieties of Dactylis glomerata L. silage in response to biological and chemical additives

Jhonny E. Alba-Mejía, Gloria Domínguez-Rodríguez,  [ ... ], Jiří Skládanka

Mechanism of action and synergistic effect of Eugenia uniflora extract in Candida spp.

Luanda B. F. C. Souza, Aurélio de Oliveira Bento,  [ ... ], Guilherme Maranhão Chaves

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