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Showing 1 - 13 of 196

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Arctos: Community-driven innovations for managing natural and cultural history collections

Carla Cicero, Michelle S. Koo,  [ ... ], Elizabeth A. Wommack

Saurodesmus robertsoni Seeley 1891—The oldest Scottish cynodont

Tomasz Szczygielski, Marc Johan Van den Brandt, Leandro Gaetano, Dawid Dróżdż

AMSD: The Australian Message Stick Database

Piers Kelly, Junran Lei, Hans-Jörg Bibiko, Lorina Barker

Synthetic images aid the recognition of human-made art forgeries

Johann Ostmeyer, Ludovica Schaerf,  [ ... ], Carina Popovici

Molecular phylogeny of the Orthalicoidea land snails: Further support and surprises

Rodrigo B. Salvador, Fernanda S. Silva,  [ ... ], Abraham S. H. Breure

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