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SISPO: Space Imaging Simulator for Proximity Operations

Mihkel Pajusalu, Iaroslav Iakubivskyi,  [ ... ], Andris Slavinskis

Temporal patterns of roe deer traffic accidents: Effects of season, daytime and lunar phase

Wolfgang Steiner, Eva Maria Schöll, Friedrich Leisch, Klaus Hackländer

Lunar Cycle Influences Spontaneous Delivery in Cows

Tomohiro Yonezawa, Mona Uchida, Michiko Tomioka, Naoaki Matsuki

Lunar Phases and Emergency Department Visits for Renal Colic Due to Ureteral Calculus

Andy W. Yang, Justin D. Johnson, Carolyn M. Fronczak, Chad A. LaGrange

How Much Gravity Is Needed to Establish the Perceptual Upright?

Laurence R. Harris, Rainer Herpers, Thomas Hofhammer, Michael Jenkin

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