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Showing 1 - 13 of 33

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Tuberculosis in individuals who recovered from COVID-19: A systematic review of case reports

Ayinalem Alemu, Zebenay Workneh Bitew,  [ ... ], Balako Gumi

Extrapulmonary tuberculosis in Pakistan- A nation-wide multicenter retrospective study

Sabira Tahseen, Faisal Masood Khanzada,  [ ... ], Tehmina Mustafa

Surveillance of tuberculosis (TB) cases attributable to relapse or reinfection in London, 2002-2015

Baharak Afshar, Jacqueline Carless,  [ ... ], Charlotte Anderson

Term sets: A transparent and reproducible representation of clinical code sets

Richard Williams, Benjamin Brown,  [ ... ], Niels Peek

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