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  • The Implicitome: A Resource for Rationalizing Gene-Disease Associations

    Kristina M. Hettne, Mark Thompson, Herman H. H. B. M. van Haagen, Eelke van der Horst, Rajaram Kaliyaperumal, Eleni Mina, Zuotian Tatum, Jeroen F. J. Laros, Erik M. van Mulligen, Martijn Schuemie, Emmelien Aten, Tong Shu Li, Richard Bruskiewich, Benjamin M. Good, Andrew I. Su, Jan A. Kors, Johan den Dunnen, Gert-Jan B. van Ommen, Marco Roos, Peter A.C. ‘t Hoen, Barend Mons, Erik A. Schultes

    published 26 Feb 2016

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  • Novel Alternative Splice Variants of Mouse Cdk5rap2

    Nadine Kraemer, Lina Issa-Jahns, Gerda Neubert, Ethiraj Ravindran, Shyamala Mani, Olaf Ninnemann, Angela M. Kaindl

    published 31 Aug 2015

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