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Showing 1 - 13 of 44

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The impact of ZIKV infection on gene expression in neural cells over time

Moreno Magalhães de Souza Rodrigues, Antonio Marques Pereira Júnior,  [ ... ], Artur Trancoso Lopo de Queiroz

Association of congenital Zika syndrome with dental alterations in children with microcephaly

Patrícia Nóbrega Gomes, Beatriz Aguiar do Amaral,  [ ... ], Kenio Costa de Lima

Experiences of women with Zika virus (ZIKV) versus the provision of health services in two cities in Colombia: A qualitative study

Jovana Alexandra Ocampo Cañas, Maria Janeth Pinilla Alfonso,  [ ... ], Jhon Sebastián Patiño Rueda

Heterogeneous development of children with Congenital Zika Syndrome-associated microcephaly

Juan P. Aguilar Ticona, Nivison Nery Jr.,  [ ... ], Federico Costa

Fetal, neonatal, and infant outcomes associated with maternal Zika virus infection during pregnancy: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Marlos Melo Martins, Antonio José Ledo Alves da Cunha,  [ ... ], Roberto de Andrade Medronho

Congenital Zika syndrome: A systematic review

Danielle A. Freitas, Reinaldo Souza-Santos,  [ ... ], Mayumi D. Wakimoto

Zika epidemic and microcephaly in Brazil: Challenges for access to health care and promotion in three epidemic areas

Paulo Cesar Peiter, Rafael dos Santos Pereira,  [ ... ], Christovam Barcellos

Ultrasound prediction of Zika virus-associated congenital injury using the profile of fetal growth

Christie L. Walker, Noah Ehinger,  [ ... ], Kristina M. Adams Waldorf

Neurodevelopment of children exposed intra-uterus by Zika virus: A case series

Pedro Massaroni Peçanha, Saint Clair Gomes Junior,  [ ... ], Maria Elisabeth Lopes Moreira

Congenital Zika Syndrome in a Brazil-Paraguay-Bolivia border region: Clinical features of cases diagnosed between 2015 and 2018

Fabio Antonio Venancio, Maria Eulina Quilião Bernal,  [ ... ], Everton Falcão de Oliveira

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