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Showing 1 - 13 of 23

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Zmiz1 is a novel regulator of lymphatic endothelial cell gene expression and function

Rajan K. C., Nehal R. Patel,  [ ... ], Stryder M. Meadows

Evaluation of transplantation sites for human intestinal organoids

Akaljot Singh, Holly M. Poling,  [ ... ], Michael A. Helmrath

Heterotopy (“Error loci”) of the spiral loop of the ascending colon in cattle

Arcangelo Gentile, Marilena Bolcato,  [ ... ], Annamaria Grandis

Remarkable Shifts in Offspring Provisioning during Gestation in a Live-Bearing Cnidarian

Annie Mercier, Zhao Sun, Christopher C. Parrish, Jean-François Hamel

An Ex Vivo Model for Anti-Angiogenic Drug Testing on Intact Microvascular Networks

Mohammad S. Azimi, Leann Myers,  [ ... ], Walter L. Murfee

The Effect of Filamentous Turf Algal Removal on the Development of Gametes of the Coral Orbicella annularis

Neidy P. Cetz-Navarro, Eugenio J. Carpizo-Ituarte, Julio Espinoza-Avalos, Guillermina Chee-Barragán

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