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Revisiting Gender Differences in Somatic Symptoms of Depression: Much Ado about Nothing?

Vanessa C. Delisle, Aaron T. Beck,  [ ... ], Brett D. Thombs

Mental Disorders in Megacities: Findings from the São Paulo Megacity Mental Health Survey, Brazil

Laura Helena Andrade, Yuan-Pang Wang,  [ ... ], Maria Carmen Viana

Violent Recidivism: A Long-Time Follow-Up Study of Mentally Disordered Offenders

Thomas Nilsson, Märta Wallinius,  [ ... ], Nóra Kerekes

Special Care and School Difficulties in 8-Year-Old Very Preterm Children: The Epipage Cohort Study

Beatrice Larroque, Pierre-Yves Ancel,  [ ... ], and the Epipage Study group

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