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Showing 1 - 13 of 13

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Trends in US pediatric mental health clinical trials: An analysis of from 2007–2018

Joshua R. Wortzel, Brandon E. Turner,  [ ... ], Thomas G. O’Connor

Treatment adequacy for social anxiety disorder in primary care patients

Alexandra Chapdelaine, Jean-Daniel Carrier,  [ ... ], Pasquale Roberge

Soothing the Threatened Brain: Leveraging Contact Comfort with Emotionally Focused Therapy

Susan M. Johnson, Melissa Burgess Moser,  [ ... ], James A. Coan

Can a One-Item Mood Scale Do the Trick? Predicting Relapse over 5.5-Years in Recurrent Depression

Gerard D. van Rijsbergen, Claudi L. H. Bockting,  [ ... ], Aart H. Schene

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