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Showing 1 - 13 of 54

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Low risk of acquiring melioidosis from the environment in the continental United States

Carina M. Hall, Daniel Romero-Alvarez,  [ ... ], David M. Wagner

Detection and differentiation of Burkholderia species with pathogenic potential in environmental soil samples

Sujintana Janesomboon, Veerachat Muangsombut,  [ ... ], Sunee Korbsrisate

Extracellular DNA facilitates bacterial adhesion during Burkholderia pseudomallei biofilm formation

Rattiyaphorn Pakkulnan, Chitchanok Anutrakunchai,  [ ... ], Sorujsiri Chareonsudjai

Disease progression in mice exposed to low-doses of aerosolized clinical isolates of Burkholderia pseudomallei

Sylvia R. Trevino, Christopher P. Klimko,  [ ... ], Christopher K. Cote

Immune response to recombinant Burkholderia pseudomallei FliC

Sirikamon Koosakulnirand, Phornpun Phokrai,  [ ... ], Narisara Chantratita

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