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Showing 40 - 52 of 4,204

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Validation of an effective, low cost, Free/open access 3D-printed stethoscope

Alexander Pavlosky, Jennifer Glauche,  [ ... ], Tarek Loubani

Nursing Workload as a Risk Factor for Healthcare Associated Infections in ICU: A Prospective Study

Renata M. Daud-Gallotti, Silvia F. Costa,  [ ... ], Anna S. Levin

A smart all-in-one device to measure vital signs in admitted patients

Mariska Weenk, Harry van Goor,  [ ... ], Sebastian J. H. Bredie

Standardized Loads Acting in Hip Implants

Georg Bergmann, Alwina Bender,  [ ... ], Philipp Damm

HACEK Infective Endocarditis: Characteristics and Outcomes from a Large, Multi-National Cohort

Stephen T. Chambers, David Murdoch,  [ ... ], International Collaboration on Endocarditis Prospective Cohort Study (ICE-PCS) Investigators

Fluorescence Characterization of Clinically-Important Bacteria

Lewis R. Dartnell, Tom A. Roberts,  [ ... ], Jan-Peter Muller

Reduction of Surgical Site Infections after Implementation of a Bundle of Care

Rogier M. P. H. Crolla, Lijckle van der Laan,  [ ... ], Jan Kluytmans

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