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Penile Implants among Prisoners—A Cause for Concern?

Lorraine Yap, Tony Butler,  [ ... ], Basil Donovan

Cell-Phone-Based Platform for Biomedical Device Development and Education Applications

Zachary J. Smith, Kaiqin Chu,  [ ... ], Sebastian Wachsmann-Hogiu

Medicinal Cannabis: In Vitro Validation of Vaporizers for the Smoke-Free Inhalation of Cannabis

Christian Lanz, Johan Mattsson, Umut Soydaner, Rudolf Brenneisen

Unit Cost of Medical Services at Different Hospitals in India

Susmita Chatterjee, Carol Levin, Ramanan Laxminarayan

Application of Intra-Oral Dental Scanners in the Digital Workflow of Implantology

Wicher J. van der Meer, Frank S. Andriessen, Daniel Wismeijer, Yijin Ren

A Glucose Fuel Cell for Implantable Brain–Machine Interfaces

Benjamin I. Rapoport, Jakub T. Kedzierski, Rahul Sarpeshkar

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