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Showing 1 - 13 of 105

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A systematic review of Leptospira in water and soil environments

Emilie Bierque, Roman Thibeaux,  [ ... ], Cyrille Goarant

Sex Bias in Infectious Disease Epidemiology: Patterns and Processes

Felipe Guerra-Silveira, Fernando Abad-Franch

Serological Patterns of Brucellosis, Leptospirosis and Q Fever in Bos indicus Cattle in Cameroon

Francesca Scolamacchia, Ian G. Handel,  [ ... ], Barend M. de C. Bronsvoort

Expanding the Diagnostic Use of PCR in Leptospirosis: Improved Method for DNA Extraction from Blood Cultures

Steen Villumsen, Rebecca Pedersen, Karen Angeliki Krogfelt, Jørgen Skov Jensen

Efficient Detection of Pathogenic Leptospires Using 16S Ribosomal RNA

Brian T. Backstedt, Ozlem Buyuktanir,  [ ... ], Utpal Pal

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