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Showing 1 - 13 of 105

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Murine typhus is a common cause of acute febrile illness in Bandung, Indonesia

Silvita Fitri Riswari, Susantina Prodjosoewojo,  [ ... ], Bachti Alisjahbana

Analysis of LruC lipoprotein and identification of peptides candidates for vaccine development and diagnosis of leptospirosis

Iago H. de Miranda Mariano, Bruna Ferreira Silva,  [ ... ], Josefa Bezerra da Silva

Clinical spectrum of endemic leptospirosis in relation to cytokine response

Niroshana J. Dahanayaka, Suneth B. Agampodi,  [ ... ], Joseph M. Vinetz

Serologic titers to Leptospira in vaccinated pigs and interpretation for surveillance

Susan K. Schommer, Nicholas Harrison,  [ ... ], Randall S. Prather

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