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Showing 1 - 13 of 302

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Entomological inferences highlight the risk of Leishmania transmission in the urban area of Porto Velho, Rondônia, Brazil

Michelli Santos da Silva, Amanda Maria Picelli,  [ ... ], Jansen Fernandes de Medeiros

ELISA with recombinant antigen Lb6H validated for the diagnosis of American tegumentary leishmaniasis

Ruth Tamara Valencia-Portillo, José Angelo Lindoso,  [ ... ], Maria Carmen Arroyo Sanchez

Diversity, Leishmania detection, and blood meal sources of sand flies from Iguatama, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Felipe Dutra-Rêgo, Camila Binder,  [ ... ], Célia Maria Ferreira Gontijo

Visceral leishmaniasis in the hills of western Nepal: A transmission assessment

Surendra Uranw, Narayan Raj Bhattarai,  [ ... ], Epco Hasker

Sex-structured disease transmission model and control mechanisms for visceral leishmaniasis (VL)

Temesgen Debas Awoke, Semu Mitiku Kassa, Kgomotso Suzan Morupisi, Gizaw Mengistu Tsidu

Quality of life of patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis: A comparative analysis of the EQ-5D-3L and CLIQ questionnaires

Endi Lanza Galvão, Janaína de Pina Carvalho,  [ ... ], Sarah Nascimento Silva

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