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Showing 1 - 13 of 37

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Ion transport activity and optogenetics capability of light-driven Na+-pump KR2

Shoko Hososhima, Hideki Kandori, Satoshi P. Tsunoda

Evolutionary conservation of intrinsically unstructured regions in slit-diaphragm proteins

Sandeep K. N. Mulukala, Vaishnavi Kambhampati, Abrar H. Qadri, Anil K. Pasupulati

Use of ferrets for electrophysiologic monitoring of ion transport

Niroop Kaza, S. Vamsee Raju,  [ ... ], Steven M. Rowe

Membrane Assembly and Ion Transport Ability of a Fluorinated Nanopore

Raphaël Godbout, Sébastien Légaré,  [ ... ], Normand Voyer

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