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Showing 14 - 26 of 1,181

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Benzonatate as a local anesthetic

Anna McGuire, Claire A. Ostertag-Hill,  [ ... ], Daniel S. Kohane

Ectodomain shedding of EGFR ligands serves as an activation readout for TRP channels

Manae Tatsumi, Takayuki Kishi,  [ ... ], Asuka Inoue

Targeted deep sequencing analyses of long QT syndrome in a Japanese population

Yuki Nagata, Ryo Watanabe,  [ ... ], Toshihiro Tanaka

GluR2Q and GluR2R AMPA Subunits are not Targets of lypd2 Interaction

Anna Lauriello, Quinn McVeigh, Rou-Jia Sung

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