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Showing 1 - 13 of 332

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Packet information encoding in a cerebellum-like circuit

Alejo Rodríguez-Cattáneo, Ana Carolina Pereira, Pedro Anibal Aguilera, Ángel Ariel Caputi

Inter and intralaminar excitation of parvalbumin interneurons in mouse barrel cortex

Katherine S. Scheuer, Anna M. Jansson, Xinyu Zhao, Meyer B. Jackson

Single-cell quantitative expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor mRNA in rat hippocampal interneurons

Doris C. Jackson, Richard M. Burgon, Spencer Thompson, Sterling N. Sudweeks

Biophysical modeling of the whole-cell dynamics of C. elegans motor and interneurons families

Martina Nicoletti, Letizia Chiodo,  [ ... ], Simonetta Filippi

lron-11 guides axons in the ventral nerve cord of Caenorhabditis elegans

Nikolas Kokan, Skyla Witt, Saru Sandhu, Harald Hutter

Interneurons of fan-shaped body promote arousal in Drosophila

Yoshiaki S. Kato, Jun Tomita, Kazuhiko Kume

Dysregulation of the hippocampal neuronal network by LGI1 auto-antibodies

Elodie Fels, Marie-Eve Mayeur,  [ ... ], Olivier Pascual

Expression of toll like receptor 8 (TLR8) in specific groups of mouse hippocampal interneurons

Lennart Seizer, Sadegh Rahimi, Sandra Santos-Sierra, Meinrad Drexel

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