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Showing 1 - 13 of 331

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Inter and intralaminar excitation of parvalbumin interneurons in mouse barrel cortex

Katherine S. Scheuer, Anna M. Jansson, Xinyu Zhao, Meyer B. Jackson

Single-cell quantitative expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor mRNA in rat hippocampal interneurons

Doris C. Jackson, Richard M. Burgon, Spencer Thompson, Sterling N. Sudweeks

Biophysical modeling of the whole-cell dynamics of C. elegans motor and interneurons families

Martina Nicoletti, Letizia Chiodo,  [ ... ], Simonetta Filippi

lron-11 guides axons in the ventral nerve cord of Caenorhabditis elegans

Nikolas Kokan, Skyla Witt, Saru Sandhu, Harald Hutter

Interneurons of fan-shaped body promote arousal in Drosophila

Yoshiaki S. Kato, Jun Tomita, Kazuhiko Kume

Dysregulation of the hippocampal neuronal network by LGI1 auto-antibodies

Elodie Fels, Marie-Eve Mayeur,  [ ... ], Olivier Pascual

Expression of toll like receptor 8 (TLR8) in specific groups of mouse hippocampal interneurons

Lennart Seizer, Sadegh Rahimi, Sandra Santos-Sierra, Meinrad Drexel

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