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Showing 1 - 13 of 278

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Prevalence of and factors associated with female child marriage in Indonesia

Heri Kuswanto, Pratnya Paramitha Oktaviana,  [ ... ], Hema Malini

Obstetrics care in Indonesia: Determinants of maternal mortality and stillbirth rates

Supriyatiningsih Wenang, Ova Emilia,  [ ... ], Joerg Haier

Economic evaluation of trastuzumab in HER2-positive early breast cancer in Indonesia: A cost-effectiveness analysis

Sudewi Mukaromah Khoirunnisa, Fithria Dyah Ayu Suryanegara,  [ ... ], Lisa Aniek de Jong

Treatment seeking experiences of ACS patients in Yogyakarta, Indonesia during COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study

Pramitha Esha Nirmala Dewi, Montaya Sunantiwat,  [ ... ], Bangunawati Rahajeng

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