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Showing 40 - 52 of 225

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Metformin intake associates with better cognitive function in patients with Huntington's disease

David Hervás, Victoria Fornés-Ferrer,  [ ... ], Rafael P. Vázquez-Manrique

Feasibility of computerized working memory training in individuals with Huntington disease

Mahsa Sadeghi, Emily Barlow-Krelina,  [ ... ], Christine Till

Tau or neurofilament light—Which is the more suitable biomarker for Huntington’s disease?

Valter Niemelä, Anne-Marie Landtblom, Kaj Blennow, Jimmy Sundblom

Cerebrospinal Fluid Inflammatory Biomarkers Reflect Clinical Severity in Huntington’s Disease

Filipe Brogueira Rodrigues, Lauren M. Byrne,  [ ... ], Edward J. Wild

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