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Showing 27 - 39 of 224

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Targeting Several CAG Expansion Diseases by a Single Antisense Oligonucleotide

Melvin M. Evers, Barry A. Pepers,  [ ... ], Willeke M. C. van Roon-Mom

A Metabolic Study of Huntington’s Disease

Rajasree Nambron, Edina Silajdžić,  [ ... ], Thomas T. Warner

D-β-Hydroxybutyrate Is Protective in Mouse Models of Huntington's Disease

Soyeon Lim, Adrianne S. Chesser,  [ ... ], Kim Tieu

Iron Accumulates in Huntington’s Disease Neurons: Protection by Deferoxamine

Jianfang Chen, Eileen Marks,  [ ... ], Jonathan H. Fox

Efficacy of Fumaric Acid Esters in the R6/2 and YAC128 Models of Huntington's Disease

Gisa Ellrichmann, Elisabeth Petrasch-Parwez,  [ ... ], Ralf A. Linker

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