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Showing 209 - 221 of 225

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  • Neuroendocrine Disturbances in Huntington's Disease

    Nadine Saleh, Stéphane Moutereau, Alexandra Durr, Pierre Krystkowiak, Jean-Philippe Azulay, Christine Tranchant, Emmanuel Broussolle, Françoise Morin, Anne-Catherine Bachoud-Lévi, Patrick Maison

    published 25 Mar 2009

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  • Normal Aging Modulates the Neurotoxicity of Mutant Huntingtin

    Elsa Diguet, Fanny Petit, Carole Escartin, Karine Cambon, Nicolas Bizat, Noëlle Dufour, Philippe Hantraye, Nicole Déglon, Emmanuel Brouillet

    published 27 Feb 2009

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